Hey Reader.
I’m pretty much like you.
I’m not Neil Patel, Amy Porterfield, Brandon Gaille or Adam Enfroy.
I’m just a guy with a day job, dreaming of hittin’ the big bucks, giving the 9-5 the middle finger, and using my hard-won wages to travel the world, retire early, and set up a private charitable foundation to create world peace.
I’m an engineer by day and intrepid niche blogger by night, weekend morning, the occasional office lunch, and sometimes in the wee AM’s.
FLUB Blog is the digital sidecar to my www. motorcycle. I have other sites as part of my portfolio, some I started, and some I bought. I own and operate sites in the outdoor living, domestic travel, auto and transportation, and recreational adventure niche[s].
I started FLUB because, quite frankly, there were too many experts.
Based on Google SERPS, there are about 20,482,917,081 people in the world who will teach you how to blog.
… Where were the people like me?
So I made this website because, well, I’m not an expert.
(Although I am hard at work changing that!)
If you want to learn the in’s and out’s of deep-theory SERP analysis, may I recommend Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMRush?
This blog is dedicated to the flubs, the stumbling blocks, the little things that trip you up. The how-not-to-blog blog.
Because if you’re like me, you learn a lot more from the flubs than the straight-up successes.
There won’t be a ton of editing, just FYI. You’re getting what my brain spills out. I spend a lot of other time on my other blogs.
This is my journey. Please join me.
‘Cause you probably have some stories of your own. Leave ’em in the comments for your fellow bloggers. We’re a team!
(And if/when I achieve enough monthly visitors, you can hella bet I’m monetizing this site and sharing my most valuable content via e-courses and VIP content. See Rule # 4).
Full Disclosure: One day in the future, when I have successfully built a six-figure blogging empire (or dukedom, anyway), I plan to grow FLUB into a framework for success. I will then teach others how to do the same. It’s all part of my grand plan! You are here are Ground Zero 🙂
Welcome to FLUB!
(Which makes you a “FLUBber.”)