Why You CAN’T Start a WordPress Site in One Hour!

I’m not one to bury the lead. No, you can’t launch a WordPress blog in an hour. This headline isn’t clickbait.There is no “…. but wait!” coming.There is no “ …. Unless you purchase my $99 course!” call-to-action. This is just a fish slap across the face called “reality.” Here’s

Waging My War Against Blog Content Scrapers

My blog wasn’t even cleaned, swaddled and nursed before someone stole it out from under me. There it was – my first organic backlink! I eagerly clicked on the WordPress pingback notification. What lucky reader had discovered my genius and was eagerly drinking up my wisdom and directing others to

Why My Blog Is an LLC

So I started a blog. But first, I made a business. Well, actually, I already had a business. I own an LLC. I just absorbed my blogging hustles into the framework. I blog as a business! But for some reason, I’ve never heard anyone recommend that a blogger become an